The Dolphin

The Dolphin
           Can dolphins talk? Maybe they cannot talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a "school." They don't study, but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.
Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.
They make a few sounds under water. People cannot hear these sounds because they are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them. 
Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium. (An aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be away form their school in an aquarium. They are sad and lonely. There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody's life. Dolphin meat is good, but people don't like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this.
 Photo credit: The Dolphin

A    Vocabulary

together    mammals    travel      believe
dolphins    lonely         group     aquarium
save         show          sounds    scientists

1.    Dolphins_______________________ in a ________________________.
2.    Sometime they _______________________somebody’s life.
3.    Can__________________________ talk?
4.    Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large__________________________.
5.    They are sad and ____________________________.
6.    They_______________________ their feeling with sounds.
7.    __________________make tapes of their sounds and study them.
8.    Many people_____________________ this.
9.    They don’t study, but they travel______________________.
10.    Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with _______________________.

B    Vocabulary (new context)

lonely     dolphin      together    save
sounds    believe     scientists    aquarium
show       travel       feelings      group
1.    The ______________________ is a mammal but it live in the sea.
2.    Many students at a large university feel ____________________. They don’t have many friends.
3.    Do you like to _______________________to different countries?
4.    Please _____________________ me your composition.
5.    Children like to play _______________________in the snow.
6.    There is a _________________________of Omani students in our class.
7.    Is it true? Do you ______________________________it?
8.    _______________________study animals and many other things.
9.    There are many interesting fish and sea animals at an____________________.
10.    You must ______________________your money. Don’t spend it on a new car.
11.    It is difficult to pronounce some English ________________________.

C    Vocabulary Review
Put a these words under the right titles. Some words go under more than one title.
1.    Parts of an Animal’s Body    2. Parts of a Person’s Body

eyelashes    hump         wing        feather
tail              beak          nose        arm
leg              stomach     hand        eyes

D    Questions

1.    Can dolphins talk?
2.    What is a school of dolphins?
3.    What do dolphins talk about?
4.    When do they say “Welcome”?
5.    Do they make more sounds above or under water?
6.    Can people hear dolphin sounds?
7.    How does a dolphin feel in an aquarium?
8.    *Do dolphins bring good luck?
9.    *Dolphins are not fish. What is the difference between dolphins and fish?

E     Comprehension

1.    Dolphins talk with _________.
       a.    words           c. sounds
       b.    their hands    d. music
2.    Dolphins talk when they __________.
       a.    play      c. show
       b.    listen    d. kill
3.    They make more sounds ____________.
       a.    above water    c. for tapes
       b.    under water    d. in school
4.    Scientists study ________ of dolphins.
       a.    shows      c. aquariums
       b.    schools    d. tapes
5.    Dolphins like to be __________.
       a.    at an aquarium    c. lonely
       b.    in their school     d. on a tape
6.    What sentence is not true?
        a.    A dolphin can save a person’s life.
        b.    People like to watch dolphins.
        c.    Dolphins always bring good luck.
        d.    A dolphin can talk with sounds.

F    Main Idea

1.    Dolphins use words to show how they feel and to give information.
2.    Dolphins travel together and talk with sounds.
3.    Dolphins live in the sea and in aquariums.
4.    The dolphin is a mammal, and scientists can tape it.
